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Have you ever had one of those days .....?

Abi Petrie • Jan 19, 2022

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel blah
but you just pretend everything is fine?

 I had one of those the other day. I Put a smile on my face and said to myself "Ok, keep going. I don't have time to be blah." Trying to keep the positive attitude and not let the negative win can be tough but I feel like negativity and grumpiness can be spread way too easily.

So, I go into a store and truly make it a point to be friendly and polite to all other customers and of course the staff. Making sure to use those manners you were taught as a child, excuse me, please, and thank you. Yet, hardly anyone uses these words. Walk in front of someone, try excuse me. (Even my kids do it!!) Someone lets you go ahead of them, try thank you.

By the time I was getting ready to leave the store I was  trying to figure out if the entire community is just in a bad mood or if we have forgotten how to use manners and be polite.

The end of the trip to the store concluded with a member of the staff at checkout that doesn't even say hello.  Just scanning away barely acknowledging that I am there. Of course by now the day that started with blah is now continuing with blah and I decide no more blah. I ask "how is your day going" and continue what seems to be a one sided conversation. Keeping in my mind that maybe they are going through something that they are having trouble dealing with or going through something that no one else knows about. Or maybe they are just rude. Either way trying to stay positive and keep a smile on your face even when the people around you cant seem to do it is important for yourself.

Its hard on the bad days to not let it affect everything around you. I have days
once in awhile  (lots of laughing here) that are hard. I know how hard it can be to just try and let it go sometimes.

I have tried and tested quite a few things to help with those days. Here are a few that have worked for me. Give it a try! What are other ways that help you?

  • Sometimes journaling can be helpful. Write it down and let it go but Keep those journals! I have journals that I look back on and see what happened and what I had to do. Kind of like a reminder that I can get through it, been there done that, 😊 and keeping data for yourself.
    I use mine for MS symptoms or issues that I may have had that day, what worked and didn't work for the kids with their medical situations (like med changes, if I am seeing regression in a certain area, etc.) even for  the days that I don't know what's wrong but its got to go away. Don't forget to write the good stuff too!!!
    Amazon has some cute journals. I love Amazon! I never have to leave my house shopping there. Threw some links in for you to check out.

  • Take a minute. I am no stranger to the step away and take a few breathes, refocus and start again. This is something used in my house a lot. I do it, my children to it, I even think my dog walks away sometimes to do it.  If a minute isn't long enough then take 5, 10, 15 if you can. Breathing and meditation are a really good way to "refocus or restart". Try an app or a book for you or your kids to help! I found some that have been helpful, especially for the boys: AlphaBreaths The ABCs of Mindful Breathing, Meditation Cards for Kids - Award-Winning Mindfulness kit of XL Cards with Calming Guided Meditations , Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused,(Yes, sometimes I breathe like a Bear!!!)  Practicing Mindfulness


  • Walk it OUT!!! I cant just stop everything and go for a walk but if you can I suggest doing it. Before the boys this was one way of getting any frustration out. Regular exercise is great and helpful but when a situation arises and you need to regain control of your emotions, I found walking to help me.

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